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A Vision Quest is a time-honored way to get to the heart of who you are and what your purpose is.

It is a time set aside for you, the Creator, and Mother Earth. A sacred circle is formed. Traditionally, four days and nights are spent in this circle. Throughout your quest, you listen to the yearning in your heart, and to the Creator, to be who you truly are and manifest that in the world. This is much more than just a sit in the woods. All of nature puts on a show for you, responding to your deepest needs, showing you the way forward in your life.

Distractions abound in our lives. These distractions may take the form of obligations, work, entertainment, and the many “shoulds” that have been internalized. Having a time set aside where you let go of these distractions allows you to go deeper inside yourself to the heart of who you truly are. The next steps to take in your life are revealed to you. You are better able to discern the steps to take to move toward who you truly are. The deep questions you have about your life are answered.

In order to prepare for your first Vision Quest, it is extremely helpful to have an experienced guide. This guide should have undergone many Vision Quests themselves, thereby through experience gaining the wisdom to help guide others in this endeavor. We offer Vision Quest programs which help prepare you for this sacred time. We watch over you during the quest itself, so that any “what ifs” that may serve as a distraction are taken care of. At the end of the program, we offer training to help you better understand and integrate your Vision as it was revealed to you on the Vision Quest. This allows you to go deeper and more fully embrace the heart of your quest experience.

The power of the Vision Quest cannot be overstated. It catapults you forward in your life and on your path. It brings you face-to-face with your deepest, truest longings and shows you a way to fulfill those longings. It allows you to have the greatest impact you can, using your life’s energy for the best benefit all concerned — yourself, your loved ones, and indeed all whom you touch.

The teachings of the Vision Quest we offer have been passed along by Grandfather Stalking Wolf, a Lipan Apache elder and shaman. Stalking Wolf was a master of simplifying and distilling teachings down to their intrinsic core which worked for anyone seeking with an open heart. (To be clear, it is not a Lipan Apache Quest, and is not dependent on religion, doctrine, or cultural perspective.) The quest is set up as Grandfather, himself, would set it up for early questers.

If your heart is calling you to undertake a Vision Quest, we cannot encourage you enough to listen and act on that calling. Do not let fear, uncertainty, self-doubt, or procrastination keep you from this beautiful and powerful ceremony which has helped numerous people. Your life, your Vision, and your people are all waiting for you to take this step.

For upcoming Vision Quest Programs, check out our events page.


“If anyone is thinking about going on this journey, don’t hesitate. Do it. Trust the protectors. Trust the process. Trust yourself.”

“The time I spent in the Pine Barrens with Elizabeth and the other protectors for my first Vision Quest was full of emotions. Anticipation, curiosity, drive, fear. Over the course of the week my fears were completely laid to rest. My anticipation turned to joy and budding friendships. My curiosity was rewarded…and doubled. The drive I felt to be there blossomed into a deeper calling, one I hope to continue to answer daily. The strong, calming, deep wisdom projected by Elizabeth and the others was like a warm blanket that carried me through the process. I could not have asked for a better experience or a better group of protectors to guide me through my quest and to help decipher some of the emotions following the quest at Grandfather’s camp. If anyone is thinking about going on this journey, don’t hesitate. Do it. Trust the protectors. Trust the process. Trust yourself.” – Kristin Armstrong


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