Our focus is to assist you in living your potential. This potential may be limited by many things, including past traumatic events, limiting beliefs, current circumstances, etc., and may be exacerbated by negative influence. Our purpose is to help you heal those areas so that you can move forward with greater ease, clarity, and transformation. Because the change is deep and real, it will affect every area and level of your life.

We approach the healing as a ceremony where everyone is participating. Initially we will help to hone what is the key difficulty or event that is preventing your healing or moving forward in your life. Although any healing can help, we have found that by spending some time and effort in determining the key maximizes growth and transformation as effectively and efficiently as possible. Once that key is determined, the actual healing is often far-reaching with minimal effort. Feedback has been that the results are amazing, effective, and have made a big impact on people’s lives, both in hoped-for ways as well as unexpected ways.

We ask that you are a full-participant in the work we do. We will help guide you in finding that key log which is jamming up your life. Once the healing work has been determined, you will be participating as much as possible according to the spiritual training you’ve had. In the process, your learning will be maximized, your spiritual skills will be deepened, and the ability to authentically live your vision will be enhanced.

It is vital to us that we are not doing a healing “on you,” but with your full participation to enhance your learning, transformation, and growth, strengthening yourself on all levels of existence both during this Earthwalk and beyond.

Bill MoesWhat is needed: a commitment to doing the healing work required, a willingness to transform, and a desire to uplift your skills in the process. Underlying all this is the purpose beyond self to not only to ease your life and live your vision, but to facilitate change in the world whether it be through purer concentric rings with each step taken or visionary pursuits.

The first session offers more details and facilitates determining the compatibility of our working together. Generally the initial consultation is about an hour long and is free. Further sessions often take between one and three hours, and can either be approached in an as-long-as-it-takes way or within a certain time frame as needed. These sessions often take place over zoom, but can also be done on the phone or in person as needed. The fee is sliding scale and based on the honor system.

Prior to the first session, there will be a questionnaire to help streamline our work together. Naturally, confidentiality is strictly adhered to.

For more information or to schedule a session, please email us at QuietWatersHealing@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you!


“Elizabeth and Bill have made a tremendous difference in my life.”

“I’ve been working with Elizabeth and Bill for several months now, and they have made a tremendous difference in my life. They gave me great advice on how to structure my spiritual practice, helped me understand how to fully live my Vision, and helped me work on some very deep and painful personal issues. They are kind, loving, respectful, generous, and truly dedicated to helping others on their path. They are an inspiration for me and I’m truly honored to have them in my life.” – Marcel Lefebvre

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