Tracker School Commemorative Book
Now in digital, this anniversary book is a keepsake available to anyone interested in the Tracker School.


Young Tom Brown teaching a studentA lot has happened since 1978, both in the world and at the Tracker School—it’s been over 40 years since the Tracker School was born!

The 40th anniversary commemorative book has articles representing every decade since the Tracker School was founded. Some tell of how the Tracker School was in the good ol’ days; others share their enthusiasm at having taken their first Philosophy course in April 2018 and having their world-view blown wide open. Authors include Tom’s very first student, the students Tom first started teaching the spiritual skills to in 1984, Tom’s sons (Tommy, Coty, and River), and many, many others. Each of the four decades of the Tracker School is represented from students’ perspectives from that time. A number of pictures are included from throughout the four decades of the Tracker School – some of them quite poignant, some quite humorous.

It is an excellent addition to your Tracker bookshelf or a wonderful gift to a fellow member of the Tracker Family or a loved one.


Purchaser reviews:

“I debated about whether or not to get the book commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Tracker School. I just received it and I’m absolutely loving it. I’ve just read a few of the articles, and I’m savoring each page to the fullest. Thank you for putting this out and to all those who helped and contributed. After seeing what’s in it, I would’ve hated to miss out on it!” – Lisa T.

Tom in the Tracker School Studio

“When I ordered the book, I was very curious to see how it came out. And I am convinced. I was very touched by several articles as well as by the pictures which held a feel of rich memories. Contributions from Tom’s very first student,  students he first taught spiritual skills to starting in 1984, from the Tracker School elders, Tom’s sons and many names that sound familiar. This anniversary book makes me proud of being part of the Tracker Family and the Lineage and a long-time student of the school. Not to mention the appealing appearance! Even though I am a long-time subscriber to The Razor’s Edge, I’m so glad I got this commemorative book! While writing this, I decided to buy more books and give them to fellow students.” – Susann B. S.

“The special edition of The Razor’s Edge, commemorating 40 years of the Tracker School, is an intriguing and historical look into the thoughts and experiences of some of the people whose presence helped form Tracker into what it is today. The mix of contributors range from Tom’s first student Jon, to present day instructors, elders, and students of the Tracker Family. As a decade long Tracker student myself, I have thanked the Creator for Tom, Grandfather and the Ancients on numerous occasions; however, it was not until reading this special anniversary edition of The Razor’s Edge that I realized my prayers of thanks needed to expand to include less ancient but nonetheless other valued members of the Tracker Family as well.” – Kim K.

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