How do I know Quiet Waters is for me?

If you have a yearning in your heart to heal, unlock your highest potential, and to live a more peaceful life, then follow your heart and contact us. 

The initial session is free. This offers all of us an opportunity to meet each other and determine if our services are what you’re looking for. We will share our backgrounds and let you know what we feel would be helpful in moving forward in your healing and your spiritual path. 

What do you offer?

All of our programs are geared towards guiding you to your true heart, uncovering the things that stand in the way of your knowing what your soul is longing for. We do this in a variety of ways:

  • Spiritual counseling
    • helping to guide you through your “programming” to who you truly are;
    • assisting you to getting down to the bottom line of what is blocking you from transforming and living your potential;
    • one-on-one consultation focused on you as an individual and your unique situation;
    • guiding you as we work together to ensure you take the next step on your healing journey and your visionary journey;
    • empower you in living your Vision.
  • Group programs to assist you in going deeper connecting with and strengthening that connection to yourself, the Earth, and the Creator. All of our programs are geared towards helping you get to what your heart is longing for on the deepest level. These programs include the Vision Quest, the Seven Levels of Quest and the Protector Training Program. Other programs are in development.
  • Natural Bioenergetics focuses on the underlying blueprint of our existence. Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, this work ensures that the energy is flowing properly through the meridians. Many stressors will disrupt that flow. Through this work, the meridian flow is strengthened and cleared so that stressors will no longer disrupt the flow, causing internal reactions and dis-ease. This is done on an individual level, assessing what you need and determining what energy corrections are required so the meridian energy flows correctly. 

How often do you run Vision Quest programs?

We offer Vision Quest programs several times a year. Currently Elizabeth runs an annual Women’s Vision Quest program in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. We also offer an annual mix-gender Vision Quest program in Quebec. Other programs are offered in the U.S. and Canada.

Where do you hold your programs?

Physical programs, such as the Vision Quest Program and the Protector Training Program are held throughout the U.S. and Canada. We also offer several classes online. Our Spiritual counseling work is done primarily online, but it can also be done in person as need dictates.

Where can I see upcoming programs?

Check out our upcoming programs on our Event’s page.

If I want more information, how do I contact you?

Contact us at


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