Subtle Transformation

Every day I devote time in my Sacred Area. Again and again. Morning and evening. Slowly, slowly, I feel myself shifting, changing, connecting. It is like a long, drawn-out healing—almost imperceptible in its daily appearance, but powerful over time. As I pray at sunrise and sunset, I can see, as I reflect, the effects it is having on my system. On my life. On my path. In ways that could not have been anticipated or even asked for. How do I ask for something when I don’t know what that something is?


I connect as deeply as I can each day with the 7 Arrows—the Creator, the North, East, South, West, our great Earth Mother. And again with the Creator. Strengthening my relationship to the Great Mystery that we are all intrinsically part of.

I pray to be changed, to be made into a better tool for the Creator. My heart is holding a trilogy—of those who came before, of those who are here now, of those who are yet to come. In my heart is the longing to be of better use to the Creator, to the Earth, and to all who have walked, are walking, will walk on our beautiful planet.

The shifting, the changing is so subtle that it’s almost imperceptible at times. If it weren’t for a steadfast awareness of my internal landscape and the external landscape, if it weren’t for that daily introspection in my prayers, I might have missed it and given up entirely.

I do not know where this path will take me. I only know, feel, that with each step taken, it is turning me into something that will be of use and value for my people. That is the carrot that keeps me going. That, and the yearning in my heart to make a positive difference. A difference where all—including the Earth, her children of every species, and all people (especially including my people, the beloved Tracker Family)—can breathe a little easier, can love a little freer, can live the life that they are meant to live at the deepest level of their beings.

Sunset on the FarmParticipating

In My


Although this shifting is subtle, it is perceivable, and I do my part to the best of my ability. I am so grateful as the spirits and the Great Mystery are helping me with this unknown transformation that is taking place. And I do whatever I can to participate in this transformation. It is not something being done to me, but more in cooperation with my deepest heart’s choices. And so I scour deep inside: what needs to be changed, healed? What needs to be let go of? What stories do I cling to that are no longer useful? Maybe never were useful except to my childhood mind caught in a crazy world that I didn’t understand.

And though I participate in this transformation through the gift of choice and using the Sacred Spiritual Skills that Tom has taught us from the Lineage, I am not so ignorant as to believe that spirit is the only tool for every job. I am also a physical being; as such, I am able to affect my physical world in a direct way. Sometimes the best tool for the job is my physical body, which anchors my heart, my force body, my spirit, my soul in this physical world. What a blessing to be walking this Earth at this time.

Honoring this gift, I take care of my physical body to the best of my ability. We all know these things: diet, exercise, staying hydrated, sleeping enough. But it is one thing to know it in our mind and another to actively pursue physical health as part of our overall spiritual path; what is physical is reflected in the spiritual, and vice versa. As I continue to strengthen my physical body, my mind is clearer, my concentration more robust, and I have more energy and stamina to do what is asked of me.

I also work on my wrong-thinking. What thoughts or beliefs are holding me back? Where are my stumbling points? Where am I denying the physical reality of where the world is right now and where it is heading—disbelief in science, disbelief in the prophecies of Grandfather and many others? Where do I keep my head stuck in the sand? What is holding me back from preparing my home and my family? What is holding me back from the physical skills? What is holding me back from faith and belief in the spiritual worlds, and of the spiritual to transform all the way down to the physical level? What is keeping me from deeply training in these spiritual skills?

For My People

Woman at sunset with moonAs I do this work, as I participate in this journey, my thoughts, my focus is not primarily on myself. It is on my people. What if my being strong, healthy, fit, and capable—both physically and spiritually—will keep my people safe? Help my daughter and son and husband to live a long life and fulfill their Visions? Help my beloved Tracker Family to move through these times and into a much better, more harmonious world after we have traversed the difficult years ahead? And help the true innocents of the world—the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom, and Mother Earth herself who are all at the mercy, in some regard, of our human choices.

And so I turn back to my prayers. The sun rises and sets and I am there. Praying, connecting, yearning with all my heart to be transformed into a blessing on this Earth. To be capable for my people. To help, in whatever ways, to get through these tumultuous times. Listening to the answers as they come. Asking for help in deeply understanding these answers so I can choose to act more fully with all levels of my being. Following the rhythm of the sun; following the rhythm of my heart.

The transformation continues. Subtle. Persistent, even as I am persistent. Being acted on and taking action.

I am being forged.

How can we make a difference? Whatever we carry in our hearts will go out to all whom we touch.
Katlyn overlooking lake Ontario
We all have immense potential in our live to live an authentic, fulfilling life.
Fork in road
We are at a crossroads in our life. With each choice we determine our trajectory along our path.
Fire burning brightly
Although we may learn from many teachers, it is up to each of us to tend our own internal fire.
What is it that makes your heart sing? Hearts joined together in a common Vision is what makes family.
Subtle Transformation
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Elizabeth Moes

Elizabeth Moes is dedicated to helping others to transform and live their potential. She does this in a variety of ways: one-on-one counseling through Quiet Waters since 2017, through offering Vision Quest programs and other trainings since 1994, and through a quarterly magazine for people who have taken Tracker School classes since 1995. She has studied extensively with Tom Brown, Jr. and is an elder of this school since 2008.

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